Importance of intercultural dialogue in tourism development in Totonaca indigenous communities

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Ma. Teresa Tonantzin Ortíz Rodríguez
Mayra Antonieta Sandoval Quintero


A critical stance shows the impacts of conventional and alternative tourism as an imposition emerging measure of economic improvement for indigenous peoples. The study aims to provide a first approach to the theoretical and methodological bases of the use of intercultural dialogue. The method considers as indicator the dialogue to minimize the sociocultural effects of a tourism proposal. The fundamental axis of the research is the relevance of the indigenous in deciding harness their biocultural heritage as a tourism attraction, in this study, for the Totonacos of Lipuntahuaca, municipality of Huehuetla, Puebla.



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How to Cite
Ortíz Rodríguez, M. T. T., & Sandoval Quintero, M. A. (2021). Importance of intercultural dialogue in tourism development in Totonaca indigenous communities. Annals of Anthropology, 55(2), 125–141.

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