Migrant social capital and training. The case of a family from the mixteca poblana

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Martha Josefina Franco García


This qualitative study reviews migration as a parental legacy in a migrant family from the Mixtec region of Puebla. We carried out a case study on three generations using in-depth interviews to correlate the training and the migrant social capital that their members possess. We identify the training of these subjects as an important aspect in their life trajectories, since the interest of this family of peasant origin is focused on the schooling their children. Therefore, the second and third generations had the possibility of accessing higher education. Among the findings, we can mention two. First, that the educational institutions in which these subjects were trained impacted their life interests beyond borders, and second, that after the first generation, professional training allowed migration to become a strategic resource for their family and personal projects.


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How to Cite
Franco García, M. J. (2021). Migrant social capital and training. The case of a family from the mixteca poblana. Annals of Anthropology, 55(1), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2021.1.72240

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Author Biography

Martha Josefina Franco García

Doctora en Pedagogía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Realizó una estancia posdoctoral CONACYT en la Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México durante dos años sobre Derecho a la Educación de niñas y niños migrantes. Es profesora tiempo completo en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Unidad  211 Puebla y coordina la maestría en Didáctica de Lenguas y Culturas Indoamericanas.

Pertenece al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1. Es miembro del Consejo Mexicano de Investigación Educativa, integrante del Programa  Alternativas Pedagógicas y Prospectivas Educativas en América Latina y de la Red sobre Estudios de Migración y Educación. Las líneas de investigación que actualmente desarrolla son: Educación en contextos migratorios y Derecho a la educación.