Fuzzy limits, dynamic interaction: Sinaloa before the Spanish Conquest

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Luis Alfonso Grave Tirado
Víctor Ortega León


The conjunction of the most recent archaeological data with a new reading of the documentary sources of the first entry of Europeans to Sinaloa, allowed us to establish the political-territorial organization of coastal groups in the last centuries before the Spanish Conquest, with particular emphasis on the extension and conformation of its limits. Contrary to what has been considered so far, the “provinces” or poli-tical-territorial units were relatively small and circumscribed to the rivers, while the areas between rivers were, apparently, “no man’s land”, politically speaking, but the relationships between the capitals were constant and dynamic.


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How to Cite
Grave Tirado, L. A., & Ortega León, V. (2020). Fuzzy limits, dynamic interaction: Sinaloa before the Spanish Conquest. Annals of Anthropology, 54(2), 7–18. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2020.2.72726

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Author Biographies

Luis Alfonso Grave Tirado, Centro INAH Sinaloa/ Museo Arqueológico de Mazatlán

Profesor-Investigador Titular C

Víctor Ortega León, Centro INAH Chihuahua

Profesor-Investigador Titular A