Activities that leave their mark. An archaeological study of occupation soils in Siho, Yucatan

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Esteban Moisés Herrera-Parra


Domestic Archaeology in the Maya Area has developed and incorporated many lines of research to broaden the understanding of the Classic Maya Society. In this research, two contexts of non-elite dwellings at the archaeological site of Siho, Yucatan, Mexico, were excavated and analyzed in order to identify activity areas related to the daily lives of the ancient inhabitants. Architectural features, artifact distribution and soil samples were analyzed to define activities carried out in interior and exterior spaces. The combined results showed specific areas related to various activities related to the subsistence of any domestic group, such as processing, consumption, and discarding. This research is intended to contribute to the knowledge and discussion of the social relations during the daily activities carried out by Classic Mayas belonging to the lower-middle class.



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How to Cite
Herrera-Parra, E. M. (2021). Activities that leave their mark. An archaeological study of occupation soils in Siho, Yucatan. Anales De Antropología, 55(1), 143–160.

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Author Biography

Esteban Moisés Herrera-Parra, Laboratorio de Análisis Químicos y Microscópicos, Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Arqueólogo por la Facultad de Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán y colaborador del Laboratorio de Análisis Químicos y Microscópicos de la misma institución. Entre sus líneas de interés se encuentran el estudio de la vida cotidiana de los mayas no elitarios del periodo Clásico y los patrones alimenticios de los mismos. Ha implementado técnicas en laboratorio para la identificación de áreas de actividad a través de análisis tipo spot test, así como la extracción de almidones en suelos y cerámicas.