Symmetric Anthropology and Object-Oriented Cyberrethnography: Reflections on a Theoretical-Methodological Assembly

Main Article Content

Ricardo Iván Vázquez López


The aim of this text is to present some theoretical and methodological reflections on the conceptual framework spanning cyberethnography, object-oriented ontology, and symmetrical anthropology, showing that these theories create a novel methodology for performing anthropological studies on cyberspaces. As the lack of bibliography highlights the urgency of theoretical reflection on predominantly digital spaces, this article therefore presents arguments, sources, and interactions in order to establish a dialog on this topic. Furthermore, it presents a proposal for ethnographic methodological activity that is oriented towards “interobjective cyberinteractions”.


Article Details

How to Cite
Vázquez López, R. I. (2022). Symmetric Anthropology and Object-Oriented Cyberrethnography: Reflections on a Theoretical-Methodological Assembly. Anales De Antropología, 56(1), 23–31.

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Author Biography

Ricardo Iván Vázquez López, Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas- UNAM

Asistente de investigación en el IIJ- UNAM. Licenciado en Derecho por la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM. Licenciado en Psicología por el IPN.