Mobility in Early Colonial Tabasco: a “vernacular” application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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Nicoletta Maestri



 This paper explores some of the possibilities and challenges in the use of Geographic Information Systems in history. Through a case study focused on the early colonial province of Tabasco, the text addresses the use of historical maps, textual sources and digital cartography for the implementation of a digital platform aimed at understanding and reconstructing the territorial organization and mobility in this territory of the New Spain. At the same time, the methodological benefits of a “vernacular” application of this tool are discussed to tackle the georeferencing process and geographic “inaccuracy” that emerge when dealing with maps of the early modern age.


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How to Cite
Maestri, N. (2023). Mobility in Early Colonial Tabasco: a “vernacular” application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Annals of Anthropology, 57(1).

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Author Biography

Nicoletta Maestri, UNAM

Nicoletta Maestri es licenciada en Letras Clásicas por la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia), y doctora en Antropología (especialización en arqueología) por la Universidad de California, Riverside (EE.UU). Actualmente es Becaria posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la UNAM, con un proyecto sobre los cambios en las prácticas de movilidad entre el periodo prehispánico y colonial en Tabasco. Sus intereses abarcan la arqueología y la historia del paisaje, el estudio de la movilidad, y las Humanidades Digitales.