Evolution of care practices

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Paola Andrea Barrio Fioresta
Gustavo David Candela


The practices of caring for others have evolved together with the biological evolution of our species. The objective of this research is to discuss whether these actions are related to an innate condition, whether they are culturally incorporated through learning or a conjunction of both, and how these actions are currently conceptualized and internalized in our society. For this purpose, on the one hand, a bibliographic survey of ethnographic and paleoanthropological research was carried out, and on the other hand, a research of human perception and the reasons that drive these practices to exist in current communities, practices that in cases of disability decide to be sustained over time. Although the results obtained correspond to a small sample of the possible universe and do not resolve the nature-culture dichotomy of our question, this work can be a trigger to generate a series of interdisciplinary debates and invites to investigate the evolutionary process of caring behavior in humanity.


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How to Cite
Barrio Fioresta, P. A., & Candela, G. D. (2024). Evolution of care practices . Annals of Anthropology, 58(1), 77–85. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2024.58.1.84538

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Author Biography

Paola Andrea Barrio Fioresta, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Facultad de Humanidades

  • Licenciada en Gestión y Administración educativa, Universidad de San Martín, Buenos Aires.
  • Técnica en Psicomotricidad, Escuela Argentina de Psicomotricidad (ACES).
  • Estudiante avanzada en la Licenciatura en Psicología en la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, Buenos Aires.
  • Co-Directora de Andares – Clínica para la Infancia.


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