The Institutionalization of Tourism in Michoacan between 1930 and 1950

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Eder García Sánchez


The cultural diffusion media, between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, were reiterative in the representation of the most important cities of Michoacan. By the 1930s, tourism development prioritized these destinations, although a gradual interest was glimpsed, both in diffusers and in public policies, to expand the offer to other destinations in the state between 1950 and 1950. Without subtracting the value of such places, and unlike to shown in the media in previous decades, it seems that the balance between cultural appreciation and tourism promotion leaned more and more towards this. The present study it is substantiated on a debate between the use of “picturesque” images from imaginary social constructions, and the intentional creation of these with specific purposes of tourist profit. For this, both national and foreign diffusion products are taken as a reference, comparing them with those used some years ago. The analysis is based on the interpretation of intentions, between the capture of moments of the traditional daily life of the sites, against the “staging of realities” that could be shown to the visitor who was looking for this type of cultural experiences. The result is a reflection on the tourism development processes based, among other things, on features of the socio-cultural contexts selected as part of the promotion practices, still used today.


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García Sánchez, E. (2023). The Institutionalization of Tourism in Michoacan between 1930 and 1950. Annals of Anthropology, 57(2), 65–76.

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