Tourist narratives and the conformation of the Mexican national heritage through the analysis of the tourist guides of Morelos

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Daniel Salinas Córdova


Since the early twentieth century, tourist narratives about Mexico used the country’s history and culture, greatly influencing how the country has been represented and conceived abroad and at home. The historic dynamics of how those tourist narratives are created and how they evolve, as well as the role that cultural heritage plays in that process, have been neglected in the discussions about Mexico’s past and present as one of the world’s most prominent destinations.


This paper addresses how heritage has been employed in the promotion of Mexico as a destination. Heritage discourses, images and the “tourist gaze” generated by the tourism industry in guidebooks published between the 1920s and the 1990s are analized through a case study of the state of Morelos. The aim is to understand the processes through which the State, tourism promoters and other stakeholders, audiences and social actors created, negotiated, appropriated and displayed notions of cultural heritage in tandem, conflict and/or even opposition with new Mexican identities throughout the twentieth century. By examining changes of tourist narratives about Morelos portrayed in guidebooks, this project sheds light on the rarely acknowledged role that tourism plays in the construction and development of notions of national heritage and identity.


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Salinas Córdova, D. (2023). Tourist narratives and the conformation of the Mexican national heritage through the analysis of the tourist guides of Morelos. Annals of Anthropology, 57(2), 77–91.

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