Cockfighting. Games and Analogies in Anthropology

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Marcos García de Teresa


The objective of this article is to present a review of Clifford Geertz’s proposal for the analysis of cockfighting. During my fieldwork in the Sierra Mazateca (Oaxaca, Mexico) I was able to witness cockfighting tournaments in the patron saint festivities. Through a comparative exercise between my observations and Clifford Geertz’s descriptions, I will try to indicate some keys to discuss the conclusions of his famous essay. My argument is that Geertz’s text should be valued in the discipline, not only for its contributions to symbolic anthropology and its methodological proposal, but also for its contributions to the analysis of games. However, the analogy with the text does not seem appropriate to me either for the analysis of cockfights or for describing the objective of the anthropological discipline. Instead, I prefer the analogy with game –understood in a broad sense– as it allows us to resolve some of the objections that have been raised against interpretive anthropology.


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García de Teresa, M. (2024). Cockfighting. Games and Analogies in Anthropology. Annals of Anthropology, 58(2).

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