The irrealis suffix in San José de la Zorra Kumiay

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Igor Vinogradov
Carlos Ivanhoe Gil Burgoin


This article presents a semantic and morphosyntactic description of the suffix -x in Kumiay, a highly endangered and scarcely described language that belongs to the Cochimi-Yuman family. The empirical data come from the variant spoken in San José de la Zorra (Baja California, Mexico). It is proposed that there is a grammatical opposition between the verb forms that bear the suffix -x, which we call “irrealis”, and the morphologically unmarked forms. Although the notion of “irrealis” or “status of (ir)reality” has been criticized in the typological literature for encompassing too heterogeneous meanings in individual languages, this study presents arguments to reconsider its validity, at least, for descriptive purposes. Based on an analysis of the uses of the suffix -x in narrative and conversational texts, as well as through direct elicitation, it is shown that its meanings are not limited to the future tense, as it has been proposed in some works on Yuman languages before, but can be attributed to the domain of irreal modality in general.


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How to Cite
Vinogradov, I., & Gil Burgoin, C. I. (2024). The irrealis suffix in San José de la Zorra Kumiay. Annals of Anthropology, 58(1), 33–43.

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Author Biography

Carlos Ivanhoe Gil Burgoin, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Carlos Ivanhoe Gil Burgoin es Licenciado en Lingüística por la ENAH y Doctor en Lingüística por El Colegio de México. Ha realizado estancias posdoctorales en la Universidad de Barcelona y la Universidad de Sonora. Actualmente es profesor-investigador de la Facultad de Idiomas de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del CONACYT. Ha realizado investigaciones sobre la fonología y morfología del kumiay y el tepehuano del norte y publicado en revistas arbitradas como el Journal of the International Phonetic Association, Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México y Tlalocan.


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