El estudio de las actitudes lingüísticas en el contexto sociocultural: el caso del mexicano de Cuetzalan

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Mario Alberto Castillo Hernández


The present work has the objective to highlight the importance of the studies it has more than enough linguistic attitudes to understand the situation sociolinguistic of the indigenous languages of Mexico better. I propose a Model of the Attitudes to guide the investigation on this phenomenon in the sociocultural context and intercultural based on a perspective psico-socio-linguistics. I recapture the theoretical and methodological contributions that the social psychology has made on the attitudes and the silver proposals, inside the sociolinguistic to study the attitudes toward the languages. I consider, like particular case, the attitudes that the maseualmej of Cuetzalan expresses toward the Mexican and Spanish that you/they speak in different social situations and, at the same time, I center the discussion in the current situation of the Mexican in front of Spanish as part of the social processes of bilingualism and their possible tendency toward the linguistic


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How to Cite
Castillo Hernández, M. A. (2009). El estudio de las actitudes lingüísticas en el contexto sociocultural: el caso del mexicano de Cuetzalan. Annals of Anthropology, 40(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2006.1.9962

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Author Biography

Mario Alberto Castillo Hernández, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología