Methologies for the analysis of an ancient dna: contribution to biocultural study of pre-hispanic populations

Ana Julia Aguirre Samudio, Blanca Z. González Sobrino, Lilia Solís Arrieta, Alejandro Terrazas Mata, Annick Daneels Verriest, Carlos Serrano Sánchez, Abigail Meza Peñaloza, Gustavo Ramírez Castilla


Bioarchaeology in the lower basin of the Panuco river. Study of skeletal remains in Altamira, Tamaulipas

Jesús E. Velasco González, Gustavo A. Ramírez Castilla, Carlos Serrano Sánchez


the study of building materials in mesoamerican archaeology

Isabel Villaseñor Alonso, Luis Alberto Barba Pingarrón


Kinanthropometry of muscular volumes of elite sportsmen from olympic fighting sports

Hamlet Betancourt León, Oscar Salina Flores, Julieta Aréchiga Viramontes


the role of women in ancient warfare: an archaeological perspective

Aimée Valckx Gutiérrez, Travis W. Stanton, Traci Ardren


miracles and violence. between san Marcos and san La Muerte

Walter Alberto Calzato, Gabriela Sánchez Hernández
