Who’s studying Anthropology? Towawards a n Anthropology students profile in Southern Chile

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Héctor Mora Nawrath
Noelia Carrasco Henríquez


The present work shows the preliminary results of the first phase of a research conducted in the ucTemuco (Chili) to characterize the students who choose to study Anthropology in this university. This research is orientated to know the motivations that led them to the choice of studying Anthropology, as well as their attitudes towards two key aspects of the habitus of any student who joins to this field: a wide and integrating vision recounted to “social others” and an opening towards the training and the scientific knowledge. The present work discusses about the conditions of formation and learning of the Anthropology in the South of Chile.


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How to Cite
Mora Nawrath, H., & Carrasco Henríquez, N. (2012). Who’s studying Anthropology? Towawards a n Anthropology students profile in Southern Chile. Anales De Antropología, 46, 47–60. https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.2012.0.30693

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