Apuntes sobre petroglifos del área tlapaneca del Estado de Guerrero
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This article deals with two groups of petroglyphs, which were visited, photographed and traced in 1972 during a fieldwork season in the Tlapanec region of Guerrero Mexico. They involve two of the four groups of petroglyphs reported by the local inhabitants. They are located near Totomixtlahuaca Municipality of Tlacopa, a former tributary community to the Aztec empire, and during the colonial period, the site of an Agustinian monastery. Due to the lack of extensive archaeological and ethnological studies in the region, a formal interpretation of the petroglyphs would be premature. However, put forward is a preliminary hypothesis, that the petroglyphs are associated with the ceremony asking for rain, which is conducted annually in a nearby cave, between April 22nd and 25th.
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How to Cite
Oettinger, M. (2009). Apuntes sobre petroglifos del área tlapaneca del Estado de Guerrero. Anales De Antropología, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1983.2.620
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