Interpretación de posibles actividades agrícolas prehispánicas a partir del análisis del Chichimeco Jonaz.

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Yolanda Lastra
Alejandro Terrazas


Chichimeco jonaz is a language otopame that constitutes with pame, the pameana branch that is most northern of the family, also composed by the otomianas languages, that is to say, matlatzinca, ocuilteco, mazahua and otomí. Otopame is one of the eight branches of the trunk otomangue. At the moment chichimeco is spoken in Mission of Chichimecas, community to the east of the city of San Luis de La Paz, Guanajuato and pame mainly in sites of San Luis Potosí. It has always called the attention (Manrique, 1988, 1990; Suárez, 1983; Lastra, 2000) that the pameanas languages were spoken in a not mesoamericano territory whereas the otomianas belonged to clearly mesoamericanas ethnic groups. In this communication some evidences of paleológico and, mainly, linguistic character appear archaeological, that perhaps could throw some light on this disparity.


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How to Cite
Lastra, Y., & Terrazas, A. (2009). Interpretación de posibles actividades agrícolas prehispánicas a partir del análisis del Chichimeco Jonaz. Annals of Anthropology, 40(2).

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Author Biography

Yolanda Lastra, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología