Ana Bella Pérez Castro, Raúl Contreras Román y Jessica Itzel Contreras Vargas, editores (2021). Ganarse la vida. La reproducción social en el mundo contemporáneo. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

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Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Torrent


"Earning a living" or "the various ways of earning a living" is a title that can only be apt. It opens up a semantic field of great ethnographic, ethnological and anthropological richness, which invigorates the object of study of those of us who dedicate ourselves to the field of cultural studies. Nevertheless, this title may be misleading. If what defines our present condition is change, at unsuspected rates, without distinction of places and actors, by inclusion or exclusion, in all the interstices of life and society, we should expect a volume II, III and IV, on "ways of making a living", since these are and will be infinite. Therefore, more than a book, it corresponds to a research program, which can be a long term collaborative work. It is not a matter for the editors alone, but involves all of us, because even if many of us do not like the market as the promoter of change, we are in it.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Torrent, . J. C. (2024). Ana Bella Pérez Castro, Raúl Contreras Román y Jessica Itzel Contreras Vargas, editores (2021). Ganarse la vida. La reproducción social en el mundo contemporáneo. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas. Annals of Anthropology, 58(1).

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Pérez Castro, A. B., R. Contreras Román y J. I. Contreras Vargas, (eds.) (2021). Ganarse la vida. La reproducción social en el mundo contemporáneo. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas.