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José Luis Balcárcel


The Guatemalan philosopher, José Luis Balcárcel evokes in this article the final extinction of the Madrid School, founded by José Ortega y Gasset and his disciples, who were part of the faculty of Complutense University. Among them were García Morente, Zubiri, Gaos and Recasens Siches, Julián Marías joined them later on. The author was moved by the reencounter in its library of a book of great significance for him, the Idea of Metaphysics, whose author is the recently deceased Marías, in which this Spanish philosopher picks up the idea of Ortega's vital reasoning.

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How to Cite
Balcárcel, J. L. (2010). JULIAN MARÍAS, INMEMORIAM. Archipielago. Revista Cultural De Nuestra América, 14(53). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/archipielago/article/view/19855

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