Evolution from the Systemic High Blood Pressure to a Chronic Renal Disease.

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G. Muñoz Cortés
F. Trejo Tapia
O. Mejía Rodríguez
F. Belio Caro
A. Salinas González
M. E. Estrada Andrade
E. Rodríguez Ayala


Objective: to evaluate the evolution time to Terminal Chronic Renal disease of patients with systemic high blood pressure (SHBP) Design: a retrospective study. Methods: files of patients with Terminal Chronic Renal disease attending the Regional General Hospital – 1 (HGR-1) associated to high blood pressure (≥140/90 mmHg) were included in the study, and those associated to another comorbidity, were excluded. Data are expressed in a ± standard error. Results: from 538 files, 54 accomplished the selected criteria, 33 (61%) in peritoneal dialysis, 15 (28%) in hemodialysis, 6 (11%) with kidney transplant. The evolution time since the High blood pressure was first diagnosed until the Terminal Chronic Renal disease was of 13 years ± 1.18. The diagnosis was made with a VFG of 12.26 ± 1.2ml/min and the replacement therapy began after 1.2 ± 0.27 years the kidney failure was first diagnosed. 68% of the patients presented no control of the TA. Conclusions: after 13 years, patients developed the renal disease in terminal phase. There is a poor or no follow up to the guidelines to the systemic high blood pressure management. There is no opportune diagnosis and treatment of the Chronic Renal Disease, which can derive in a better quality of life of patients.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Cortés, G., Trejo Tapia, F., Mejía Rodríguez, O., Belio Caro, F., Salinas González, A., Estrada Andrade, M. E., & Rodríguez Ayala, E. (2010). Evolution from the Systemic High Blood Pressure to a Chronic Renal Disease. Atención Familiar, 16(3), 44–47. https://doi.org/10.22201/facmed.14058871p.2009.3.15392

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