Resident´s perception of the characteristics of their relation

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Laura E. Baillet Esquivel
Efrén Raúl Ponce Rosas
Ana M. Navarro García
Francisco Javier F. Gómez Clavelina
Arnulfo E. Irigoyen Coria
Hilda G. Madrigal de León


Objective: to identify the characteristics of the tutor–resident relation during the tutorial process presented during the development of the thesis for the Family Medicine specialization in Mexico. Material and Methods: design: descriptive, transversal, observational. Participants: 81 residents of the three grades of Specialization Course in Family Medicine of the eight schools located in Mexico City in 2005. Variable and measurements: all residents answered to 117 questionnaires about 34 tutors in order to evaluate the characteristics of the tutor-resident relation. Instrument: to evaluate the residents’ perception of the tutor–resident relation, the instrument was made of fi ve sections (42 items) in which there were 12 questions (semantic differential scale). Data Analysis: descriptive and inferential statistics. Outcomes: those characteristics where there were found statistical signifi cant differences (p<0.001) and in which the highest points
were: kindness, good communication, trust, efficiency, fulfillment and good personal relation. There were found significant differences between the answers proportions in the positive and negative items (binomial test, p<0.001). Conclusions: it is considered that the tutor–resident relation infl uences in an important manner the way of doing the projects of the research. This influence is established in the tutorial process and it should be conscious, selective and individual
per resident.


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How to Cite
Baillet Esquivel, L. E., Ponce Rosas, E. R., Navarro García, A. M., Gómez Clavelina, F. J. F., Irigoyen Coria, A. E., & Madrigal de León, H. G. (2010). Resident´s perception of the characteristics of their relation. Atención Familiar, 17(1).

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