Promoting Family Health: Educative Intervention on Children

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Osmany Franco Argote
Giselle Pérez Ramos


Introduction: the today’s objective of the different public health conceptions is to change the individual and family behavior due to thousands of people worldwide die every day because of diseases that can be prevented. Objective: to assess the implementation in a Child Theatrical Group as an intervention technique to train health promoters. Material and methods: educational intervention techniques were applied in a health area of the Santa Cruz del Norte municipality. The sample consisted of 40 children, through a simple random sample, starting from a universe of 259 children, and aged 10-12. A survey was applied before and after, and it included variables related to their level of knowledge about hygiene, environmental care and the children’s preparation level. The intervention was conducted in three stages: diagnosis of knowledge and learning needs of children, activities which educational basis consisted of poems, songs and theatrical scripts, as well as exploring the change. he statistical differences of the variables were analyzed by using the McNemar test. Results: at the beginning, the higiene knowledge was low (92.5%) and the environmental care was inadequate (92.5%), after the application of the intervention the situation changed (95.5% and 100% respectively). Conclusions: the level of knowledge and preparation, low at the beginning, had an important increase after the study, this showed that the intervention was effective.


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How to Cite
Franco Argote, O., & Pérez Ramos, G. (2010). Promoting Family Health: Educative Intervention on Children. Atención Familiar, 17(4).

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