Family Structure and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents

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Christian Hugo Carreón Nieto
Rosalina Sauza Escutia
Sergio Martínez Jiménez
Oliva Mejía Rodríguez


Objective: to explore the relationship between depressive symptoms and family structure among adolescents in rural areas of Michoacan, Mexico. Material and methods: not probabilistic sample of 85 adolescents aged 15 to 19 years -45 women and 40 men with a mean age of 16 years were administered the Birleson scale to detect depressive symptoms and gathered information from members of the family to determine the family structure. Results: frequency of depressive symptoms in the studied adolescents was 43% (male 30% and 53% women), the Relative Risk (RR) was no greater in those living in stepfamilies with respect to those with natural families (RR 1.52, CI 0.53-6.82). Discussion: high frequency of depressive symptoms among adolescents in a rural area was found and, although not statistically associated with the type of family structure. Strategies should be consedered to easen access to health services for early detection and timely treatment


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How to Cite
Carreón Nieto, C. H., Sauza Escutia, R., Martínez Jiménez, S., & Mejía Rodríguez, O. (2011). Family Structure and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents. Atención Familiar, 19(1).

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