Using the Gail Model to Identify Women at Hight Risk for Developing Breast Cancer

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Elizabeth Zurisadai García González
Jorge Alejandro Alcalá Molina
Alyne Mendo Reygadas


Objectives: To identify women at high risk of developing breast cancer (bc) based on the Gail model. Methods: analytical and cross-sectional study in 154 women from 35 to 64 years, who attended the Family Medicine external consultation from March to November 2016. They were questioned about risk factors for breast cancer and these were analyzed in the electronic Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool, based on the Gail model. A higher than or equal score to 1.66 represents a high risk of developing BC in the following five years. Results: 24 patients (16%) with high risk of bc development were identified. Women who referred first-grade family members with bc obtained higher scores. The identified women were referred to their family physician and, thanks to follow-up, the only bc diagnosed patient is currently in treatment. Conclusions: proportion of women at high risk for developing breast cancer in the following five years, measured by the Gail model, was elevated. It is proposed to incorporate the instrument in the primary care level, since the time of execution is brief and allows the identification and timely derivation of women with high suspicion of suffering the disease for the performance of confirmatory tests.


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How to Cite
García González, E. Z., Alcalá Molina, J. A., & Mendo Reygadas, A. (2018). Using the Gail Model to Identify Women at Hight Risk for Developing Breast Cancer. Atención Familiar, 25(3).

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