Short-term Complications Risk Associated to Tooth Extraction in Patients in a Family Medicine Unit in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

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Sheila P. Vega Vega
Magali Ramírez Verduzco
Sarahí L. Bernal Salgado
Brenda Garduño Orbe
Yuliana García Jiménez
Gabriela García Morales


Objectives: determine the frequency of tooth extraction complications and its association to chronic diseases in patients assigned to the Family Medicine Unit No. 26, imss, in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Methods: cross-sectional study, conducted from April to August of 2017. A non-randomized sampling by convenience was performed of 112 patients, over 18 years, male and female, with clinical criteria for dental extraction. Patients with psychomotor disabilities, IV and V-stage renal disease or who were treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy were excluded. Patients who did not go to their post-extraction appointment were also excluded. A survey on demographic data, associated comorbidity and oral hygiene was applied; comorbidity was corroborated in the electronic file. During oral examination the reason for tooth extraction, type and number of teeth were obtained. After seven days of the extraction patients were checked for complications. Bivariate analysis was performed, the estimate was expressed in odds ratio (or), confidence intervals (ci) of 95% and p value. Results: the main cause of tooth extraction was caries. The frequency of tooth extraction complication was 12.5%. Association between complication and chronic disease such as diabetes and high blood pressure was not found. Conclusion: one of every eight patients with tooth extraction presented some complication, being alveolitis the most frequent.


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How to Cite
Vega Vega, S. P., Ramírez Verduzco, M., Bernal Salgado, S. L., Garduño Orbe, B., García Jiménez, Y., & García Morales, G. (2018). Short-term Complications Risk Associated to Tooth Extraction in Patients in a Family Medicine Unit in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Atención Familiar, 25(4), 151–154.

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