Analysis of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease through Computerized Medical History

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Rocío García Romero
Marta Pérez Valencia
Mariano Leal Hernández
María Isabel Sánchez López
Carmen Alfonso Cano
Francisco Martín Ruiz Lavela


Objective: To analyze the quality of the registry and the degree of control of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with a history of ischemic heart disease, attended in Primary Care consultation through computerized medical history. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Records in omi-ap and selene (computerized medical history programs used in the Murcian Health Service) were used for a sample of 150 patients. The variables analyzed were: anthropometric (body mass index bmi), biochemical (lipid profile), alcohol consumption, cardiovascular risk factors registered (tobacco, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease) as well as the registered treatment. The best quality record was considered with a higher number of registered variables. Results: 62 Patients had diabetes mellitus (41.33%), 93 had high blood pressure (62%), 17 presented cerebrovascular disease (11.33%), and 16 peripheral artery disease (10.67%). 94 patients registered smoking (62.67%), of which 22 were active smokers (23.40%). Alcohol consumption was only recorded in 93 patients (62%), and 23 showed a pattern of high alcohol consumption (15.33%). Total cholesterol and triglycerides were recorded in the medical history of 114 patients (76%), with hdl and ldl in 101 (67.33%). Total cholesterol average was 159.49 mg/dl, hdl cholesterol 48.07 mg/dl, and ldl cholesterol, 81.77 mg/dl. 39 patients presented ldl less than 70 mg/dl and triglycerides 134.40 mg/dl (26%). Conclusion: It was observed that the record quality of data related to cardiovascular risk factors in patients with ischemic heart disease is deficient due to lack of reporting.


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How to Cite
García Romero, R., Pérez Valencia, M., Leal Hernández, M., Sánchez López, M. I., Alfonso Cano, C., & Ruiz Lavela, F. M. (2019). Analysis of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease through Computerized Medical History. Atención Familiar, 26(2), 48–51.

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