Non-recognized Toxic Consumption Ictus

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David Vazquez Andrés
Antonio Diaz García
Juan Antonio Encarnación Navarro
Félix Martínez Monje
Marta Pérez Valencia
Mariano Leal Hernández


Excessive cocaine use is a world-wide public health problem, such consumption poses a challenge for clinical and hospital systems due to the cardiovascular impact on consumers. This brief addresses the case of a 46-year-old male with a weakness in the left hemi body, the interrogation referred the use of tobacco as the only toxic substance; after the clinical study, the presence of severe vasospasm was determined induced by cocaine use.


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How to Cite
Vazquez Andrés, D., Diaz García, A., Encarnación Navarro, J. A., Martínez Monje, F., Pérez Valencia, M., & Leal Hernández, M. (2019). Non-recognized Toxic Consumption Ictus. Atención Familiar, 27(1), 52–54.

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