Legal Medical Management of Facial Dog Bite Wounds in Mexico

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Jorge Arnulfo Carrillo Rivera
Manuel Alejandro Carrillo Heredia
René de Jesús Quiñones Ravelo
José Ricardo Martínez Pérez


Dog bite wounds are a major health problem and are a frequent cause of care in hospitals and family clinics. According to the National Center for Preventive Programs and Disease Control of the Mexican Ministry of Health (cenaprese 2018), the number of people assaulted by dog bite rose to 876,000 cases, in the last decade. The World Health Organization (who) mentions that children between the ages of five and fourteen are the main victims of pet bites. Medical treatment depends on multiple factors such as wound type, time of evolution, microorganism involved, among others. Legal management holds the act accountable as an aggression in which damages must be repaired; this brief addresses the timely medical treatment of dog bite wounds in the facial region, as well as their legal handling.


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How to Cite
Carrillo Rivera, J. A., Carrillo Heredia, M. A., Quiñones Ravelo, R. de J., & Martínez Pérez, J. R. (2019). Legal Medical Management of Facial Dog Bite Wounds in Mexico. Atención Familiar, 27(1), 47–51.

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