sars-CoV-2: from its Genomic and Structural Aspects to its Treatment

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Indira Rocío Mendiola Pastrana
Eduardo López Ortiz
James González
Isaías Hernández Torres
Marlene Fragoso Mendoza
Wendy Velázquez Flores
Enrique Rojano Lastra
Geovani López Ortiz


The sars-CoV-2 pandemic has been the greatest health challenge humanity has faced in recent times. The efforts made by the scientific community on a global scale to understand its behavior at the molecular level and to search for different therapeutic options have been transcendental if we take into account the time of its appearance. The objective of the present writing is to give a general panorama of the genomic and structural aspects of sars-CoV-2, its epidemiological behavior in Mexico, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment; all these elements are crucial in the understanding, approach, and containment of covid-19.


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How to Cite
Mendiola Pastrana, I. R., López Ortiz, E., González, J., Hernández Torres, I., Fragoso Mendoza, M., Velázquez Flores, W., Rojano Lastra, E., & López Ortiz, G. (2020). sars-CoV-2: from its Genomic and Structural Aspects to its Treatment. Atención Familiar, 27, 3–12.

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