Importance of Chest X-Ray in sars-CoV-2 Infection

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Gerardo Martín Perdigón Castañeda
Juan José Mazón Ramírez
Belén De Anda Díaz
Daniel Eduardo García Cedillo


Chest X-ray in lung imaging is the first approach in imaging studies to characterize clinical data of lung processes and as a follow-up in the emergency room and intensive care unit; in the face of the challenges caused by the covid-19 pandemic it becomes a valuable, fast, easy-to-take study, accessible in all emergency rooms and first contact.


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How to Cite
Perdigón Castañeda, G. M., Mazón Ramírez, J. J., De Anda Díaz, B., & García Cedillo, D. E. (2020). Importance of Chest X-Ray in sars-CoV-2 Infection. Atención Familiar, 27, 39–42.

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