Normative Family Crises

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Javier Lovo


The family is a dynamic social institution that undergoes multiple changes during its evolution, many of which are considered crises because they test the adaptive resources of the family group. For a proper study, these crises have been classified into two major groups: normative or expected events in the family and para-normative events, which are accidental. Events such as marriage, the birth of the first child, school age, adolescence, the first child leaving home, aging, retirement and the death of spouses, are considered normative events because all families must confront them. It should be noted that, even though they are normative, they have the potential to generate serious disorders in the family, which is why their understanding and approach by the family physician is essential for comprehensive care.


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How to Cite
Lovo, J. (2021). Normative Family Crises. Atención Familiar, 28(2), 132–138.

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