sars-CoV-2 Vaccines Efficacy in Mexico and the World

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Víctor M. Camarillo Nava
Danae Pérez López
Elizabeth López Rojas


The current phase of the pandemic in different regions of the world is complex, a high community transmission of variants adapted to infect more susceptible people, combined with the increasing availability of different vaccines against covid-19, leads to the need to review basic aspects of the vaccines such as their efficacy, dosage and main side effects, among other aspects of interest. It is also important to contrast the covid-19 vaccines currently in use. In this review, an intentional search was carried out by type of vaccine applied and manufacturing laboratory in Mexico. Clinical trials and different secondary sources in PubMed and academic search engines were selected. The primary search variable was vaccine efficacy and its safety profile; secondary variables were viral platforms, dose and site of application. At the time of searching for this information, there were 287 vaccines against covid-19 in development, five different vaccines had been licensed in our country; one based on mrna technology (Pfizer), four based on viral vectors (AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sputnik V, Jennsen) and one based on inactivated virus (Sinovac). With the exception of CanSino which efficacy data are not available, the performance in the other licensed vaccines offers an excellent safety profile and protection against covid-19. Efforts to improve vaccination coverage in the Mexican population should be reinforced.


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How to Cite
Camarillo Nava, V. M., Pérez López, D., & López Rojas, E. (2021). sars-CoV-2 Vaccines Efficacy in Mexico and the World. Atención Familiar, 28(4), 291–295.

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