Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics in patients with covid-19 in a General Hospital in Tabasco, Mexico

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Humberto Azuara Forcelledo
Juan A. Nemer del Campo
Juan C. Pulido Broca
Bernardino Ordoñez Rodríguez
Crystell G. Guzmán Priego
Alejandro Jiménez Sastré


Objective: To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics at admission of patients hospitalized with Covid-19, in a General Hospital in Tabasco, Mexico. Methods: Cross-sectional analytic study conducted in the Medical Center of the Social Security of Tabasco State (isset) “md. Julián A. Manzur Ocaña”, in Tabasco, Mexico; from June 1st to July 3, 2020 in diagnostic modules with packages of suspected diagnostic or confirmed patients with sars-CoV-2. Results: It was obtained a sample of 140 positive cases of sars-CoV-2, the 51.42% corresponded to men. The main symptoms were dyspnea, dry cough and fever. It was observed a greater increase on inflammation and thrombotic factors in males. The treatment consisted of antipyretic, antiplatelet agents, antimicrobial and steroids. The supplementary oxygen requirement was similar in women and men; however, the oxygen saturation was higher in women. Conclusion: The rate of 140 positive cases of covid-19, with symptomatology property of the disease. With inflammatory and thrombotic parameters increase. The treatment was symptomatic with supplementary oxygen.


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How to Cite
Azuara Forcelledo, H., Nemer del Campo, J. A., Pulido Broca, J. C., Ordoñez Rodríguez, B., Guzmán Priego, C. G., & Jiménez Sastré, A. (2021). Epidemiologic and clinical characteristics in patients with covid-19 in a General Hospital in Tabasco, Mexico. Atención Familiar, 29(1), 3–8. https://doi.org/10.22201/fm.14058871p.2022.1.81183

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