Geriatric Palliative Care in Primary Care: A View From Narrative Medicine

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Jaime Jaramillo-Mejia
Lizeth X. Morales-Ceballos
Heider A. Bautista-Mier
Jorge A. Sánchez-Duque


Narrative-Based Medicine (nbm) emerges as a systematic and comprehensive model of care that implements qualitative and quantitative tools for decision making in the terminally ill older adult. By fostering an authentic connection, their identity and control of their treatment is restored. The construction of a multidimensional story allows decision making to be guided, focusing attention on what is “really important.” This article presents a general context that facilitates its understanding and application from primary care to other specialties. This update and synthesis document, based on the evidence and practice of experts in the field of the different medical specialties involved, configures a valuable tool for a correct application of mbn, which includes the models of Patient-Centered Care (pcc), Evidence-Based Medicine (ebm) and new technologies based on artificial intelligence, to address the complexity of geriatric palliative care in public health.


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How to Cite
Jaramillo-Mejia, J., Morales-Ceballos, L. X., Bautista-Mier, H. A., & Sánchez-Duque, J. A. (2024). Geriatric Palliative Care in Primary Care: A View From Narrative Medicine. Atención Familiar, 32(1), 69–73.

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