Analysis of the degree of erectile dysfunction in young adults from Tijuana, Mexico

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Daniel I. Jáuregui-Vélez
Vanessa I. Bermúdez-Villalpando
Linda C. Vidal-Solorzano
María A. Castillo-Montes
Maria Citlaly Ochoa
Diego H. Ramírez-Leyva


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Cómo citar
Jáuregui-Vélez, D. I., Bermúdez-Villalpando, V. I., Vidal-Solorzano, L. C., Castillo-Montes, M. A., Ochoa, M. C., & Ramírez-Leyva, D. H. (2022). Analysis of the degree of erectile dysfunction in young adults from Tijuana, Mexico. Atención Familiar, 24(1), 27–32.

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