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Gabriel Konzevik


The present delivery of Bitácora arquitectura is notbly varied, with approaches that hardly can be found in trade magazines. This time, the issue includes two articles of the relationship between architecture and magazines: Ramón Gutiérrez and Patricia Méndez are centered in Latin American publications overall, while Louise Noelle undertakes specifically 20th century's Mexican periodical editions. Both historiographic cut researches, investigate the transcience and the ideological components product of collegial, commercial, institutional organs, including those publications directed by noticeable architects, whose original interest was to promote their own office. The readers will find maps that facilitate navigation through the ocean of periodicals. As in previous issues, this one has en ethical contained space; nevertheless here we touch two main topics of the last decades: the first and more arduous one, the work with marginalized communities; the second, a lot more recent and with better placard, the one that integrates investigations and environmentalist projects searching to reduce energy consumption and negative impact of appliances, buildings or entire cities. Evidently, non quarreled matters. About working with marginal sectors we present three articles; Paloma Vera and Alfonso Ramírez Ponce write on the thought and work of two noticeable architects: Óscar Hagerman and Carlos González Lobo, respectively. This last one imparted the 2007 Federico Mariscal's Extraordinary Lecture, a task that does not only distinguish his expanded academic and professional activity, but is also an implicit recognition to those few that practice a service oriented profession magazines. Relatives of the tzotzil community in Acteal, in Chiapas, trusted Óscar Hagerman the project of a clinic at scarcemeters of the temple where the tragedy occurred in 1997, what by itself speaks of his sensibility and commitment. Nevertheless, his work exceeds architecture: it covers also design and advising cooperatives the production and commercialization of furniture and objects. The other component of the pair mentioned above is one that investigates on the sustainability, along with three articles that propose how to improve environmental conditions. One of the proposals stems from Ricardo Vásquez and Emilio José García's dwellings of low cost; radical as for the use of existing resources, and awarding them the second place -for under 35 years of age- in the prizes that Holcim offers to projects of sustainble architecture, in Latin America 2008. Sofía Fregoso, based on Édgar Morin's complex thought, offers alternatives to face the evident environmental emergency that the planet lives, and elaborates as case of study the "eco-accomodation", where design and nature will not be perceived as antagonistic peers. For designing with aquatic plants, Rocío López of Juambelz and Abigail Aguilar propose techniques to create reservoirs and natural aquatic gardens, that besides their aesthetic qualities they can serve as residual water processing. Salvador Ávila, Xavier Guzmán and Luis Enrique Moguel resume the life and work of engineer Óscar de Buen, a Spanish inmate in our country, author of strutural projects that have become Mexico City's milestones, like the Auditorio Nacional (National Auditorium), Museo Nacional de Antropología e Historia (National Museum of Anthropoogy and History), Estadio Azteca, Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Torre Ejecutiva Pemex and so many other distributed along the country. Hybridization among architectures with origins as diverse as the -mayan house and the bungalow -particularly wood houses built from sucessive migrations at the border zone between Mexico and Belize- are analized by Martín checa-Artasu. Irena Chytrá, from Franz Kafka's The Great Wall of China, explores the dark forms of power as one of the most enigmatic monuments was built, where most of the population subordinated its life to an enterprise that seemed endless through the centuries it took. Finally, there are very few architects that have deserved so many articles and books as Mario Pani; in the presentation of the last self-titled book, Ricardo Legorreta evoked unknown aspects of his personality with sparkling anecdotes and inescapable reflections to share with us.

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How to Cite
Konzevik, G. (2011). Editorial. Bitacora Arquitectura, (19), 3–5. https://doi.org/10.22201/fa.14058901p.2009.19.25100

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