The Trees of Mexico City: Guardians of Their Image and of the Environment

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María del Carmen Meza Aguilar


The World Health Organization specifies that there should be 12 square meters of green space for every person. From that perspective, Mexico City requires 90 million square meters of green space to meet this requirement. An alternate solution is to be able to achieve a robust
tree-planting program through sustainable design practices by landscape designers and through the implementation of public policies for their proper upkeep. Understanding the current state of the woods in the city is also necessary to properly administer this resource.

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How to Cite
Meza Aguilar, M. del C. (2015). The Trees of Mexico City: Guardians of Their Image and of the Environment. Bitacora Arquitectura, (31), 96–102.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

María del Carmen Meza Aguilar

María del Carmen Meza Aguilar Bióloga Maestra en Ecología Urbana Profresora, Unidad Académica de Arquitectura de Paisaje Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México