Editorial 33

Main Article Content

Cristina López Uribe


Feminism is an episteme: a theoretical model that explains reality or a line of thought that allows for other possibilities of interpretation of the world in which we live in. It emerges from the indisputable base that we live within a heteronormative patriarchy ingrained in culture and that all human beings constantly perpetuate through our everyday behavior. In this issue of Bitácora, we have tried to show different ways of understanding architecture and the city from the gender perspective that includes other approaches besides that of feminism.

There are different ways of understanding gender in relationship to architecture and design but the most com-mon one is that which tries to repair the damage and give the necessary acknowledgement to the historical contributions of women. Independently of our sexual identity, it is shocking that many important women of our disciplines go unmentioned; simply omitted or overshadowed by the figure of an important architect or designer. Many stories await for a more inclusive study and, as a result, we have to safeguard the archival material for future research.

Article Details

How to Cite
López Uribe, C. (2016). Editorial 33. Bitacora Arquitectura, (33), 2–3. https://doi.org/10.22201/fa.14058901p.2016.33.57345

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Author Biography

Cristina López Uribe