The Concept of Space in Antiquity and its Legacy in Leon Battista Alberti’s De re aedificatoria

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Patricia Solís Rebolledo


This essay explores Leon Battista Alberti’s sources for the concepts of space and lineamenta. The first returns to Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy as well as Vitruvian architectural theory.
The latter is analyzed through the work of Cicero and Pliny. Analyzing these will allow us to better understand and interpret the theoretical problems that Alberti addressed in De re aedificatoria and De pictura based on his interest in geomtry, a discipline through which he articulated his theory of art.

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How to Cite
Solís Rebolledo, P. (2016). The Concept of Space in Antiquity and its Legacy in Leon Battista Alberti’s De re aedificatoria. Bitacora Arquitectura, (33), 24–31.

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Author Biography

Patricia Solís Rebolledo

Patricia Solís Rebolledo Arquitecta, maestra y doctora
en Historia del Arte, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México