Stuttgart’s Neue Staatsgalerie, or the Collapse of Clasicism

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Óscar Del Castillo Sánchez


Stuttgart’s Neue Staatsgalerie, designed by James Stirling, proposes a diversity of itineraries characterized by their unpredictability, their fragmentation, their continual contradiction of the visitor’s expectations. The sense of time that emerges when experiencing this architecture is discontinuous, random and uncertain, reflecting our contemporary condition. Examining this museum using the approaches of the philosophers Husserl or Ricoeur sheds new light on these issues.

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How to Cite
Del Castillo Sánchez, Óscar. (2018). Stuttgart’s Neue Staatsgalerie, or the Collapse of Clasicism. Bitacora Arquitectura, (39), 100–109.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Óscar Del Castillo Sánchez

Óscar del Castillo Sánchez 

Arquitecto, doctorante en Filosofía Facultad de Filosofía, 

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España