Is Wellbeing Born from Sight? The Sense of Touch as a Source of Information for Design Decisions

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Marta Nydia Molina González, Liliana Beatriz Sosa Compeán


This article is focused on finding differences or similarities between perceptions involving the senses of sight and touch, with the goal of understanding the role of the latter in interior design decisions. This is done through tests of the textures of materials used in the surfaces of tables and chairs. It was found that, among the materials studied, there was a higher sense of wellbeing, security, trust and comfort registered in the haptic perception and active touch tests than in the visual perception tests. People’s perceptions of objects are individual and unique, and so this article does not pretend to universalize these results, but it does show that haptic perception and active touch are useful in the teaching of design.

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How to Cite
Molina González, Liliana Beatriz Sosa Compeán, M. N. (2018). Is Wellbeing Born from Sight? The Sense of Touch as a Source of Information for Design Decisions. Bitacora Arquitectura, (39), 60–67.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Marta Nydia Molina González, Liliana Beatriz Sosa Compeán

Doctora en Arquitectura y Asuntos Urbanos, Profesora investigadora, 

líder del cuerpo académico Nodo de Diseño y Complejidad 

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León