Reinterpreting Rohe: The Peculiar Life of the Barcelona Pavilion

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Madhura Chatterjee


The original Barcelona Pavilion was dismantled in 1930, a few months after its construction, and a replica
was constructed in 1986. Therefore, essentially, the building has lived three lives: first, during the exposition;
second, after it was taken apart and a portfolio of photographs was the closest substitute of its
reality; finally, after it was reconstructed. This paper argues for the existence of a fourth life of the pavilion
in print, created by the numerous critical interpretations of it. It analyzes how such articles contributed
to its parallel life in media and its reputation as an icon of modern architecture.

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How to Cite
Chatterjee, M. (2020). Reinterpreting Rohe: The Peculiar Life of the Barcelona Pavilion. Bitacora Arquitectura, (43), 126–139.

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