The Culture of Rebellion: The City in Space in Moratalaz by Taller de Arquitectura (1969-1970)

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Montserrat Villaverde Rey
Anna Martínez Duran


The group exhibition MENTE 1 was held in Barcelona in April 1968. Among the pieces displayed was The City in Space by the Taller de Arquitectura, led by Ricardo Bofill. This piece, which consisted of a series of panels and abstract models, was a conventional presentation of a socially and architecturally innovative project. The definition, design and dissemination of the later Experiencia 1 in Moratalaz (1969-70) used more provocative, groundbreaking formats, connected to the visual arts, ephemeral architecture and performance. 

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How to Cite
Villaverde Rey, M., & Martínez Duran, A. (2020). The Culture of Rebellion: The City in Space in Moratalaz by Taller de Arquitectura (1969-1970). Bitacora Arquitectura, (44), 60–73.

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