Information For Librarians

BITÁCORA ARQUITECTURA issues call for papers addressing a specific theme with a deadline for each issue. The remaining content of the journal is open ended; submissions related to any of the proposed fields of study are welcome at any time. In addition to research articles, the journal welcomes essays, reviews, interviews and other genres whose publication depends on the approval of the editors and the Editorial Board.  

BITÁCORA is indexed in the Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, Periodica, Latindex and Ulrichsweb.  It can also be found on-line at: and

In accepting and agreeing to the terms set by the journal, authors must ensure that essays and related material are original and that all permissions and copyrights have been secured. The content of the essays is the sole responsibility of the author and does not reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board or the School of Architecture at the UNAM. With the exception of images and figures, the reader is free to copy, distribute and transmit the work as long as its original source and authorship are attributed and copyright laws are not infringed.