Epistemological obstacles: an invisible barrier to nursing research

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María De los Ángeles Godínez Rodríguez
Martha Lilia Bernal Becerril


Much has been questioned why nurses in Mexico do little research and little that is done is left without publishing. Epistemological obstacles do not allow rid of certain concepts or knowledge that may hinder the investigation. The aim of this essay is to describe the importance of nursing research and the main epistemological obstacles that prevent progress in the development of it. The investigation allowed to have a different view of reality through the approach to the object of study, facilitates the interpretation of other worldviews, wide panorama over other disciplines, allows making better decisions, brings knowledge to consolidate own body of knowledge of the discipline. Epistemological obstacles pointing Bachelard are the basic experience, general knowledge, multiple meanings, unit and pragmatic knowledge, substantialist obstacle, the libido of knowledge and other obstacle that has not been considered by Bachelard but it is important to mention is the lack scientific training in nursing; each given qualities or reduces the object from a particular viewpoint that limits the right view of the object, psychological situations that prevent the appropriation of knowledge and thus paralyze the evolution of scientific spirit by restricting the ability to understand a phenomenon in its essence and totality, reconstructing from prejudiced and preventing him from moving into a new reality past. Research is an activity that should interest all nurses since it generates new knowledge to transform our professional work, and contribute to the consolidation of the discipline.  


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How to Cite
Godínez Rodríguez, M. D. los Ángeles, & Bernal Becerril, M. L. (2015). Epistemological obstacles: an invisible barrier to nursing research. CuidArte Journal, 4(7), 36–43. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.23958979e.2015.4.7.69107

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Author Biographies

María De los Ángeles Godínez Rodríguez, UNAM FES Iztacala

Doctora en Ciencias de Enfermería.Profesora Asociada "B" T.C. FES Iztacala - UNAM

Martha Lilia Bernal Becerril, ENEO - UNAM

Doctora en Ciencias de Enfermería.Profesora Asociada "C" T.C. Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia - UNAM


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