Self-care level in university students of five degrees in the area of health

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Laura Nallely Simon Olea
Mariel Genoveva López Ampudia
Rosa Itzel Sandoval Cárdenas
Benjamín Magaña Martínez


Self-care could be seen as the ability of an individual to

perform the necessary activities to improve its quality

of life. In this research the level of self-care in college

students from FES Iztacala is evaluated and also how

this influences their role in professionalism and health

care. The research is observational, transversal,

prospective  and  analytical,  with  a  quantitative

approach; it was held within the FES Iztacala locations

from August 5th through November 6th of (2015).

Involving 200 college students from the Bachelor of

Biology, Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry and Optometry,

all enrolled in their 5th semester of their careers,

the sample is divided evenly by 100 women and 100

men, taking into account both shifts. 


The  evaluation  instrument  was  developed  based

on the theory of Dorothea Orem Self-care to assess

student self-care. To assess the health status Health

Questionnaire ST-35 is done, this instrument has been

modified for easy application. Which has an alpha of

0.76. It is based on the scale liker a total of 24 items.


 the results show that the highest rates of good

self-care belong to Nursing and Biology. However the

observed differences between the races in medicine,

dentistry and optometry are not so obvious with

each other, the relationship between students and

what they learn in their careers for a good self-care

is not all bad but can be improved, what which could

indicate that knowledge in the field of health are not

applied in the ideal proportions for various reasons.


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How to Cite
Simon Olea, L. N., López Ampudia, M. G., Sandoval Cárdenas, R. I., & Magaña Martínez, B. (2016). Self-care level in university students of five degrees in the area of health. CuidArte Journal, 5(10), 32–43.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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