Nursing narrative: a significant experience in the midst of adversity

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Luz Estrella Varela Lodoño
Ángela María Salazar Maya


A nursing narrative is presented in an emergency department of a third level Hospital in Colombia, it describes the world view from Jaqueline Fawcett or Margaret Newman, and the knowledge patterns of Barbara Carper, White, Chin and Kramer. The care situation develops during clinical practice with students in the seventh semester of nursing at a public university, the patient received urgent care and chronic situation as a person in hemophilia condition.



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How to Cite
Varela Lodoño, L. E., & Salazar Maya, Ángela M. (2016). Nursing narrative: a significant experience in the midst of adversity. CuidArte Journal, 5(10), 64–75.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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