Narrativa de enfermería: convirtiéndome en un instrumento para el cuidado de las personas

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Yalena Ortiz Anaya
Anny Julieth Contreras Viloria
Yeimmy Gabriela Meléndez Álvarez
Sergio Alejandro Contreras Paternina
Adriana Sofia Pérez Argumedo
María Angelica Solorzano Barboza



Many procedural and cognitive skills and abilities are acquired throughout nursing education, all of which are necessary for those of us who have chosen the path of caring. Relieving pain, healing a wound or performing a procedure with skill requires solid theoretical and practical knowledge; however, the substrate to build an empathetic, sensitive and humane relationship with our patients is the nurse himself, which requires qualities such as respect, commitment, compassion and sensitivity among others, in addition to the discipline, order and perseverance that describes us. In practice, experiences arise that forge the character of the nurse, this is the best arena to observe and transcend from physical care, to holistic care through understanding and consideration of other dimensions such as social and spiritual, thus allowing to forge with simplicity, but certainty a strong interaction of care. Each experience constitutes the cornerstone of nursing knowledge and strengthens its foundations; it contemplates visions, models, theories and empirical indicators as part of the ascending and descending ladder of inductive-deductive reasoning that shapes and validates the converted practice. This Holarchy is made tangible and socially comprehensible through the Empirical Theoretical Conceptual System (SCTE). As a purpose, the analysis of a nursing situation through the lens of the SCTE is proposed.

Keys Words: Personal Narrative, Primary care nursing, self-care (Desc.Bireme). (MeSH)


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How to Cite
Ortiz Anaya, Y., Contreras Viloria, A. J. ., Meléndez Álvarez , Y. G. ., Contreras Paternina , S. A. ., Pérez Argumedo, A. S. . ., & Solorzano Barboza, M. A. . . (2024). Narrativa de enfermería: convirtiéndome en un instrumento para el cuidado de las personas. CuidArte Journal, 13(26).

Citas en Dimensions Service


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