Orbiting Hate? Satellite Transponders and Free Expression

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Monroe E. Price


In this article Monroe Price presents an in-depth analysis of the legal consequences of the transmission of “hate speech” through satellite signals in case studies connected to division and conflict in the Middle East. To the author, satellite communication is an area that is poorly regulated and systematized, leaving a large room for maneuvering to powerful groups and governments. Thus, Price deals with the combination of two challenges in the legal literature to define and grasp: the ample categorization of forms of expression that conform “hate speech”, and the underregulated satellite communications.

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How to Cite
Price, M. E. (2011). Orbiting Hate? Satellite Transponders and Free Expression. Derecho Comparado De La Información, (16). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/dci/article/view/28040

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