Digital hinteland. A case study about the use of internet in Varzea Alegre, CE

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Maria Erica de Oliveira Lima
Priscila Dallva de Oliveira Falcão


This research looks to encourage use of the internet and raise awareness about the social changes caused by its daily use. It is a descriptive-exploratory study with data collection conducted through questionnaires, interviews, and field research. This study was conducted in the northeastern region of Brazil, more precisely in the city of Várzea Alegre. Its aim is to map the digital inclusion among the target audience (youth and young adults) and check the number of Internet cafes in the city, access to broadband, telecenters, and other forms of digital inclusion. The results revealed that the municipality of Várzea has been increasingly undergoing the process of computerization, with an increase of knowledge of and access to the internet. Local people use mobile Internet, probably because of its low cost, as well as social networks. However, there is still very limited physical availability of equipment, which restricts the real digital inclusion, that is, the process is characterized by the lack of information literacy measures, which makes it more difficult to understand the real impact that the use of the internet can bring in the exchange of knowledge and culture. 


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How to Cite
de Oliveira Lima, M. E., & de Oliveira Falcão, P. D. (2018). Digital hinteland. A case study about the use of internet in Varzea Alegre, CE. De Raíz Diversa. Revista Especializada En Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1(2), 101–123.

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Author Biographies

Maria Erica de Oliveira Lima

Doctora em Comunicação Social Umesp e ufp Portugal. Professora associada do Departamento de Comunicação Social e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Estudos da Mídia (ppgem) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.Presidente da Rede de Estudos e Pesquisas em Folkcomunicação (2013-2015). Autora de numerosos capítulos y artículos sobre Jornalismo, Indústrias culturais, Estudos de Mídia, Folkcomunicação e Cultura popular.

Priscila Dallva de Oliveira Falcão

Aluna de graduação de Publicidade e Propagada da ufrn. Bolsista do cnpq de Iniciação Científica.