The History of Potosí by Arzans and the dramatic cycle of the death of Atahualpa in the Upper Peru

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Andrés Ajens


From an analysis of the poetic approaches presented by Bartolomé Arzans de Orsúa y Vela in parts of his History of the Imperial Villa of Potosí (18th century) as well as the figure of the “poet historian” Juan Sobrino who was its early source, and other information from linguistics, rhetoric and history, the author reconsiders the plausibility of certain parts of the History considering the dramatization of 1555 in Potosí of the capture and death of Atahualpa in a verse in Spanish mixez d with native languages. The author indicates an unprecedented (and so far unidentified) early source of the History. The reading is linked and discussed in various ways with other precedents such as Lara (1957), Hanke and Mendoza (1965), Gisbert (1968, 1999), Burga (1988), Beyersdorff (1997) and Husson (1998, 2001).


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How to Cite
Ajens, A. (2017). The History of Potosí by Arzans and the dramatic cycle of the death of Atahualpa in the Upper Peru. De Raíz Diversa. Revista Especializada En Estudios Latinoamericanos, 3(5), 23–40.

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Author Biography

Andrés Ajens, Poeta, traductor, catedrático chileno

Andrés Ajens (Concepción, 1961) es Poeta y traductor. Entre sus libros se encuentra: Viagem a Santiago (Intemperie, 2014), La flor del extermino (La Cebra, 2011), El entrevero (Cuarto Propio/Plural, 2009), En traducción: Poemas inconjuntos y otros poemas (Dolmen, 1998; de Alberto Caeiro / Fernando Pessoa), Discurso, figura (junto a R. Antopolsky; La Cebra, 2014, de J.F. Lyotard) y Cobra Norato (El Corregidos, en prensa; de R. Bopp). Junto a Emma Villazón codirige la revista Mar con Soroche (Santiago/La Paz) y, con el lingüista Zacarías Alavi, Con estudios de posgrados en sociología en la EHESS de París, participa del Programa de escrituras americanas, del Depto. de Filosofía de la UMCE, en Santiago.